Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring break

Spring break was  fast like the wind on the  mountain.
As the snow mobiles started so did my spring break.
As the camp slowly froze along with the water fountain.
Blizzards rolled in i was trapped like a cornered snake.
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The small snow devils blow across the small gradual hills.
And the small snowflakes fell and my excitement slowed.
As the snow fell i fished to fill my crill.
When the snow was gone the streams started to flow.
Image result for streams
the camp fires light slowly on the cold ground
the air wormed up along with the spring cool wind
siting there in the morning Carolyn listening for a sound
as the wind came on us we were suddenly pind

I got back my spring break was all done.
Time was going down fast along with the falling sun.

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