Monday, April 4, 2016

The stream

The slow wind blowed
As the clear water flowed
The stream flowed like the cool air
As the trees creaked like an old rocking chair
Image result for streams

Spring break

Spring break was  fast like the wind on the  mountain.
As the snow mobiles started so did my spring break.
As the camp slowly froze along with the water fountain.
Blizzards rolled in i was trapped like a cornered snake.
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The small snow devils blow across the small gradual hills.
And the small snowflakes fell and my excitement slowed.
As the snow fell i fished to fill my crill.
When the snow was gone the streams started to flow.
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the camp fires light slowly on the cold ground
the air wormed up along with the spring cool wind
siting there in the morning Carolyn listening for a sound
as the wind came on us we were suddenly pind

I got back my spring break was all done.
Time was going down fast along with the falling sun.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Trap   
By:  Gideon, Cranor

On a cold winter night deep in the Alaskan wilderness a trapper named Jon is getting ready to go check his traps. Jon is nervous of the journey ahead because he has seen signs of wolves recently on his rout.  But nonetheless he starts out on the long trek with the fresh snow falling on the ground and the howling of the wind.
Jon gets to his first trap and he has seen no signs of wildlife so he moves further on in his journey. He starts to see signs of a fox and other wildlife as he gets near his second trap. But when Jon pulls up on his second trap he comes up blank the animals have taken his bait. But before Jon starts up again he makes a small hut and a fire so he can warm up .He resets his trap and then he sees a wolf track almost covered by fresh snow. He takes no mind to it but as he gets closer to his third trap he starts to see more and more tracks. After a long while he arrives to his third trap, the wolves found his trap and his animal.
Jon made a crucial decision to check one more trap and go home. He starts up again but more cautious than before.  As he gets near his final trap he sees no wolf tracks and as he pulls up he can see he got a fox. After getting the fox pelt he goes back to his snowmobile and gets back on his way. Jons gurney back was all good tell he got to his third trap and he realizes that he is being followed by a wolves pack. He takes this as a warning and gets out of there.    
   By the time he gets to his second trap he can smell them and he is running low on gas he knows he will run out so he stops at old camp and prepared to fight. Within five minutes he can see them as clear as day.  Jon realizes that he might not make it out alive. After five minutes of fighting a wolf makes it in and attacks Jon but Jon fended the wolf of with his pistol. He then gets on his snowmobile and makes a run for home.  Jon hade one shot left and he took it he had to take the wolver into the open. Within a few miles of the cabin he is forced to whack he made it out of the woods and the wolves were hesitating to follow him into the open.

Jon was trying to put as much distance between him and the woods. Jon looked back and there was one wolves following him but after a couple warning shots it backed off.  Finely Jon was within 10 yards of his cabin and he was somewhat safe. As he gets to the door he looked back and the wolves were retreating to the trees. Jon got in his hut just in time and he begins to treated his wound and blacked out.

When Jon came to the pain was gone, so he went to see if the wolves had stayed away and they did.  He figured the blood would attract them. Little did Jon know there was a large predator that is keeping the wolves away? As Jon walked around his outside of the cabin he started to sense danger but he did not know what danger. As he rounded the corner  he know his life was over  he walked right into a grizzly Bear  the bear knocked him out with one swing and delivered the fatal blow a little later.